
Viajar al extranjero es una experiencia enriquecedora a la vez en el plano profesional y en el plano personal, permite profundizar en el conocimiento, cuestionar los hábitos y las evidencias y abrirse hacia los demás.
Al aceptar dar testimonio de su movilidad en la red europea NETINVET, los alumnos comparten experiencias valiosas y únicas, vividas durante su estancia de estudios o durante las prácticas al tiempo que comparten numerosas informaciones y consejos.

No dude en consultar también en la sección «Premio de la movilidad» de la página de nuevos testimonios creativos y originales, realizados por alumnos en el marco de su participación en el concurso.

Testimonios de los alumnos

Enseignantes El Lago.jpg

Frédérique | 2 teachers from the IES EL LAGO high school in Madrid share the classes of the BTS sections

Within the framework of the NETINVET exchanges the teachers of the ENC Bessières (https://www.enc-bessieres.org/) welcomed for four days two colleagues of the high school IES EL LAGO of Madrid. During the NETINVET forum held in Paris in October 2021,...

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Jeremy-James | Netinvet video by Jeremy-James Lamptey

In this video I describe my experience that I have gained during the Cross Culture project with the Netinvet network. It describes my 2 week trip to Rotterdam in the Netherlands. Together with a classmate I got the chance to participate in the Netinvet pr...

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Béla | Study mobility & internship at the Albeda College in Rotterdam

My name is Béla, I’m 19 years old and I’m studying International trade in the Hugues LIBERGIER High school in Reims. First of all, when my teacher told me that our training gives the opportunity to go to another country to do our second semester, I didn’...

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Amir and Thien | Mobility of students from NOVA College in Haarlem at the Lycée Xavier Marmier in Pontarlier

My name is Amir Mohseni and I am 19 years old. I follow the study International trades at Nova College in Haarlem. I went to Pontalier with 2 classmates for 2 weeks. At first everything was really bad cause it was very cold, we didnt knew anybody and the...

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Fatou | Mon expérience de mobilité d’études Erasmus à Toulouse

Quand je suis arrivée à Toulouse, en Janvier 2014 avec les autres étudiantes de Barcelone, j’étais très contente, car mon rêve se concrétisait. Depuis le mois de Novembre de 2013, j’attendais avec impatience que mon séjour Erasmus à Toulouse commence....

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