Premio de la movilidad

La red NETINVET ha lanzado en 2017 el premio de la movilidad. Esta recompensa, destinada a los alumnos jóvenes que han hecho uso de la movilidad en el marco de la red, será concedida cada año. La próxima edición se llevará a cabo en el Foro anual en noviembre de 2023 en Kerava (Finlandia)

Para participar, los alumnos están invitados a presentar un testimonio original y creativo que cuente la calidad de la movilidad, poniendo de relieve el enriquecimiento profesional y personal.

¡Todos los videos ganadores se pueden ver en esta página!

Premio de la movilidad
Haga clic aquí para obtener más información sobre las normas y condiciones que explican cómo participar y ofrecen más información sobre los criterios de evaluación, los plazos, el formulario de inscripción, etc. También puede encontrar esta información en la sección "Descarga de documentos" de su extranet.  Lire la suite

Jeremy-James LAMPTEY | Netinvet video by Jeremy-James Lamptey

Winner 2020

In this video I describe my experience during the Cross Culture project with the Netinvet network. It describes my 2 week trip to Rotterdam in the Netherlands, where I got a lot of impressions about business correspondence in English, marketing, negotiating and I also learned how to behave at a business lunch. In any case it was a varied project with a lot of content about International Trade, which is also very helpful in my learning area as an commercial foreign language correspondent.

Léa Debaux | Let’s go to Rotterdam

Winner 2019

Here is a short presentation of the 2 weeks I spent in Rotterdam, for an intercultural exchange, with 35 other students from all over Europe. During those 2 weeks, we carried out a project, and we learned about marketing and entrepreneurship. This mobility could happen thanks to my school La Martinière Duchère and the host school Albeda College.

Antonia Stammler & Christina Egen | Unforgettable memories in Nancy!

Second place 2019

Welcome to our video about our student exchange to Nancy in France! Thinking about what’s going to expect us in Nancy, it was clear to us, that the three weeks abroad will be completely different to what we´re used to. In this video we want to share all the unforgettable challenges and experiences with you! Many thanks to Netinvet and Erasmus for making this little adventure possible!

Océane Salaun | Great Time In Zwolle

Third place 2019

This video won the 3rd prize of the NETINVET Mobility Prize 2019 and was created by Océane Salaun, International Trade student at the Lycée Georges Duby in Aix-en-Provence.

Sephora Loango Pepo | Unforgettable Rotterdam

Winner 2018

In this video, we describe the two weeks we spent in Rotterdam, during a cross-culture exchange at Albeda College. With 25 other european students, we learned about marketing and branding and carried out a project during which we created a company, a brand, and commercials. We also expanded our network and met unforgettable people.