
Jean Arthuis on stage at NETINVET forum
News from NETINVET

NETINVET forum 2021

The NETINVET network celebrated its 10th anniversary!

The network gathered its members on 7 and 8 October at the Lycée hôtelier René Auffray in Clichy close to Paris for its annual forum to celebrate this anniversary, take stock and prepare for the next ten years by debating the future of European mobility for VET learners. Over 100 participants were present in Paris and 50 people followed the event online.

After a video on the beginnings and evolution of the network, Jean Arthuis, former minister and member of the European Parliament, spoke on behalf of the EuroAppMobility network. Mr Arthuis gave his point of view on the challenges and perspectives of long-term mobility for learners in vocational training. Anne Quispe and Cristofol Estrella i Padilla, both representatives of the NETINVET Board of directors, participated in the debate by reflecting on how Mr. Arthuis' ideas and recommendations could be integrated into the NETINVET network's activity plan.

How to get back to physical mobility?

The morning of the second day was devoted to workshops on how vocational training institutions can return to physical mobility after the interruption of projects caused by the Covid crisis.
Good news! At the end of the 5 working groups (4 on site and 1 online), teachers and trainers were unanimously enthusiastic about the idea of going abroad and sending their learners there. In fact, the vast majority of members intend to implement mobility projects this school year! The rapporteurs of the workshops then made proposals from the different groups on how the network can support these activities.

In the afternoon, the General Assembly took place. The members approved the activity report and the 2020 budget and confirmed the new members of the Board. Thanks to the recommendations and wishes expressed by the participants in the morning workshops, the new Board team has a good basis for setting the course for the next ten years of the network.

This is how this particularly emotionally charged forum came to an end. On the occasion of this 10th anniversary, the emotion was palpable for this long-awaited return to real meetings between teachers and professionals in education and vocational training! The crisis of the COVID-19 has indeed strongly penalised the organisation of mobility projects these last two years. Despite this, the presence of more than 100 people in Paris is proof that the network has managed to maintain its dynamism by initiating alternative activities such as transnational distance exchanges.

We would like to thank all the participants as well as the Lycée hôtelier René Auffray in Clichy for its great welcome.