The NETINVET network

NETINVET is a European network of schools, training centres and professional organisations.
It promotes recognised mobility in Europe for learners in vocational training programmes in the sectors of International Trade and Transport & Logistics by establishing mutual trust between the members and developing various tools to facilitate organisation of the mobility.

Continuous development in Europe

Initiated in May 2011 by the CGI (French Confederation of Wholesale and International Trade), the NETINVET network has already come a long way.

First of all, the network was the result of two previous European projects: RECOMFOR and COMINTER, also created by the CGI, which primarily provided support for the creation of the common professional profile “International Trade assistant” and the implementation of a network to develop and support learner and teacher mobility at level 5 of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF). The RECOMFOR project also contributed to the constitution of the quality process.

One year later, the network continues to expand thanks to the Euro Trans Log project, coordinated by AFT (French association for the development of vocational training in transport and logistics), aiming to enable and facilitate learner mobility at level 5 of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) in the Transport and Logistics sector in Europe. The creation and the implementation of shared references allowed for mutual recognition of national professional qualifications by applying an approach identical to that used for the two previous projects.

The number of members has been constantly increasing and the network is currently composed of more than hundred schools and training centres from 10 European countries (Belgium, Croatia, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Spain), conducting over 600 mobility operations a year within the NETINVET network. Moreover, this latter is actively supported by four professional organisations: ANFA, AFT, S-BB (Samenwerkingsorganisatie Beroepsonderwijs Bedrijfsleven, Netherlands) and CPV (Centro Produttività Veneto, Italy).

Encourage recognised mobility in Europe

By integrating the ECVET process (European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training), NETINVET favours and encourages recognised mobility. The implementation of shared references, integrated and approved by the network members, enables the transfer and validation of units of learning outcomes accomplished within the framework of academic mobility and/or a work placement abroad. Thus, the learner will not need to validate the knowledge and the skills acquired during his/her mobility experience a second time.

The mutual trust established between the members since the creation of NETINVET, is a powerful driver of these efforts. The network also applies a quality approach as another key element, allowing for the integration of new members and ensuring consistent quality based on two charters. The first is intended for training centres and must be signed and recognised upon joining the network. The second is intended for companies hosting international trainees and mainly sets out the conditions required to be able to organise work placements within NETINVET.

To earn this European recognition, each mobility operation involves a number of administrative documents, which aim to ensure smooth functioning and compliance with the network quality charter, e.g. the learning agreement, etc. Designed within the network and aiming to facilitate the process – potentially time-consuming -, these documents are available to all members thanks to implementation of online tools.

Extending the network

Thanks to its quality and its mobility offerings, the objective of the NETINVET network is expanding. Always in touch with schools interested in joining the network, it also aims to extend to new countries. Therefore, contact with member schools located outside the network represent a crucial factor in this initiative.

The network does not foresee only geographical expansion, but also plans to extend the level of qualifications concerned. Currently enabling mobility at level 5 of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), AFT has proposed establishing the link with another project following from Euro Trans Log: ETL4ALL, in response to a widespread demand from training centres offering Transport & Logistics courses at the level 4 of the EQF. The development of new shared references will make it possible to extend the network progressively to learners at EQF level 4 in the Transport and Logistics sector from 2017 on.